Jeff Ross – VJRegenMed
The Video Journal of Regenerative MedicineTue, 25 Jan 2022 12:51:03 +0000en-US
1 Ross – VJRegenMed
3232Next steps for procine-derived bioengineered organs
Thu, 25 Nov 2021 18:05:25 +0000http:// Ross, PhD, Miromatrix, Eden Prairie, MN, describes the process of taking bioengineered organs derived from porcine organs to clinical trials. The porcine organ scaffold produced as a result of perfusion decellularization has been successfully commercialized and is currently used in transplants Published studies have additionally shown the process of perfusion recellularization to be successful in creating viable bioengineered organs. This interview took place at Meeting on the Mesa 2021.
]]>Can manufacturing bioengineered organs be scaled up?
Thu, 25 Nov 2021 18:05:23 +0000http:// Ross, PhD, Miromatrix, Eden Prairie, MN, discusses the manufacturability of bioengineered organs developed from porcine organs. Dr Ross highlights how the decellularized porcine cells leaves behind an extracellular matrix and that the scaffold has already been commercialized. The current techniques to mass produce bioengineered organs can subsequently be scaled up by using bioreactors. This interview took place at Meeting on the Mesa 2021.
]]>Innovative regulatory pathways for next-generation treatments
Thu, 11 Nov 2021 10:21:29 +0000http:// Ross, PhD, Miromatrix, Eden Prairie, MN, provides a brief overview of the topics discussed at the “Innovative regulatory pathways for next-generation treatments” session at Meeting on the Mesa 2021. Novel products and technologies result in unique regulatory pathways and Dr Ross describes his experiences with regulatory authorities. He additionally highlights INTERACT meetings with the FDA, which enables companies to receive guidance on the development of their products. This interview took place at Meeting on the Mesa 2021.
]]>Developing bioengineered organs of porcine origin
Thu, 11 Nov 2021 10:21:28 +0000http:// Ross, PhD, Miromatrix, Eden Prairie, MN, describes the process of creating transplantable human organs from porcine organs. Harvested porcine organs initially undergo perfusion decellularization, which strips the porcine cells away, leaving a extracellular matrix and vascular network. The organ is then repopulated with human cells in a process known as perfusion recellularization, which additionally provides organ functionality. This interview took place at Meeting on the Mesa 2021.
]]>Addressing the need for bioengineered organs
Thu, 11 Nov 2021 10:21:27 +0000http:// Ross, PhD, Miromatrix, Eden Prairie, MN, highlights the need for transplantable bioengineered livers and kidneys. Patients with liver failure face long waits for transplantation and there are no treatment options nor medical devices available, exacerbating the demand for alternatives to liver donations. Whilst dialysis is an option for patients with kidney failure, a poorer quality of life and long-term mortality means that bioengineered kidneys will be a suitable alternative. Dr Ross additionally mentions the potential for the technology to be expanded to other organs including the lungs, heart and pancreas. This interview took place at Meeting on the Mesa 2021.