Jürgen Kuball – VJRegenMed https://mirror.vjregenmed.com The Video Journal of Regenerative Medicine Wed, 08 Mar 2023 10:35:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.2 https://d2xz56kaqxj8if.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/12102509/VJR-Favicon.png Jürgen Kuball – VJRegenMed https://mirror.vjregenmed.com 32 32 Multivalent gamma-delta T-cells: promising agents for the treatment of cancers https://mirror.vjregenmed.com/video/mwedoslvuha-multivalent-gamma-delta-t-cells-promising-agents-for-the-treatment-of-cancers/ Wed, 08 Mar 2023 10:35:19 +0000 https://mirror.vjregenmed.com/video/mwedoslvuha-multivalent-gamma-delta-t-cells-promising-agents-for-the-treatment-of-cancers/ In this video, Jürgen Kuball, MD, PhD, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands, briefly discusses the promise of novel gamma delta T-cells, which are being explored for the treatment of various cancers and have shown promising pre-clinical results. This interview took place at the EBMT-EHA 5th European CAR T-cell Meeting held in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

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The regulatory process for CAR-T in Europe: EBMT registry & GoCART https://mirror.vjregenmed.com/video/nzw1gxf8jta-the-regulatory-process-for-car-t-in-europe-ebmt-registry-gocart/ Fri, 26 Feb 2021 14:08:24 +0000 Jürgen Kuball, MD, PhD, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, discusses the main challenges in the regulatory process for CAR T-cells in Europe. One of the main challenges is the collection of long-term follow-up data. The general data protection regulation (GDPR) and the needed regulatory approval by an ethics committee make it a complex process. To streamline the regulatory process in Europe, the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT) has developed different strategies, such as the cellular therapy module of the EBMT registry, which received a positive qualification opinion from the European Medicines Agency (EMA). Additionally, to better structure the process of data collection and data access to all stakeholders, EBMT launched the GoCART coalition, a CAR T-cell community platform. This interview took place during the 3rd European CAR T-cell Meeting.

CAR-T regulatory issues and reimbursements https://mirror.vjregenmed.com/video/nqzt52_udpg-car-t-regulatory-issues-and-reimbursements/ Fri, 26 Feb 2021 14:08:24 +0000 Jürgen Kuball, MD, PhD, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, describes the session about CAR-T regulatory issues and reimbursements that will be taking place at the 3rd European CAR T-cell Meeting. During this session, the panel will discuss how patients in Europe can get access to these novel treatments. Prof. Kuball mentions that there are many hurdles in the regulatory process, particularly when comparing between Europe and the US, where the regulatory agencies and the landscape in terms of how healthcare systems are structured are different. This interview took place during the 3rd European CAR T-cell Meeting.

Cellular therapies: from academia to industry https://mirror.vjregenmed.com/video/1q-j1irtyh0-cellular-therapies-from-academia-to-industry/ Thu, 08 Oct 2020 14:08:13 +0000 Jürgen Kuball, MD, PhD, Utrecht University, Utrecht University, Netherlands, discusses how cellular therapies are translated from academia to industrial partners and any challenges associated with this. This interview was recorded via an online conference call with The Video Journal of Regenerative Medicine (VJRegenMed).

Sharing CAR T-cell data: an EBMT perspective https://mirror.vjregenmed.com/video/xhk7ylfpzeu-sharing-car-t-cell-data-an-ebmt-perspective/ Thu, 08 Oct 2020 14:08:12 +0000 Jürgen Kuball, MD, PhD, Utrecht University, Utrecht University, Netherlands, discusses the European Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT) perspective on the importance of sharing CAR T-cell data. This interview was recorded via an online conference call with The Video Journal of Regenerative Medicine (VJRegenMed).

Gamma delta T-cell therapy https://mirror.vjregenmed.com/video/gq4mfx-wguw-gamma-delta-t-cell-therapy/ Thu, 08 Oct 2020 14:08:12 +0000 Jürgen Kuball, MD, PhD, Utrecht University, Utrecht University, Netherlands, talks about gamma delta T-cell therapy and the potential advantages of its use. This interview was recorded via an online conference call with The Video Journal of Regenerative Medicine (VJRegenMed).
