Mark Daniell – VJRegenMed The Video Journal of Regenerative Medicine Fri, 21 Jan 2022 11:15:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Mark Daniell – VJRegenMed 32 32 Developmental barriers to tissue engineered corneas Tue, 11 Jan 2022 17:26:20 +0000 Mark Daniell, MBBS, MS, FRANZCO, FRACS, Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital & Centre for Eye Research Australia, Melbourne, Australia, discusses issues in utilizing tissue engineered corneas in the clinic. Initial challenges included optimizing endothelial cell expansion, as well as production of a biocompatible and transparent hydrogel scaffold. The use of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) may additionally alleviate problems relating to sourcing endothelial cells, and long-term barriers include successful commercialization of tissue engineered corneas. This interview took place at 6th world congress of the Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society (TERMIS 2021).

Tissue engineered corneas as a replacement for transplantation Tue, 11 Jan 2022 17:26:20 +0000 Issues relating to supply and storage has resulted in corneal transplantation to be out of reach for many developing countries. Mark Daniell, MBBS, MS, FRANZCO, FRACS, Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital & Centre for Eye Research Australia, Melbourne, Australia, describes research on the development of tissue engineered corneas. In vivo expansion of the endothelial layer, which does not naturally replicate, ensure a sustainable supply of corneas to patients and hydrogel scaffolds enable a biocompatible and biodegradable scaffold on which the tissue can grow on. This interview took place at 6th world congress of the Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society (TERMIS 2021).

Treating keratoconus with tissue engineered corneas Mon, 15 Nov 2021 15:14:39 +0000 Mark Daniell, MBBS, MS, FRANZCO, FRACS, Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital & Centre for Eye Research Australia, Melbourne, Australia, provides an overview of the treatment landscape for keratoconus, a disorder that results in the thinning and bulging of the cornea. Corneal cross-linking increases corneal strength and prevents further disease progression; advancements in artificial intelligence has additionally enabled identifying cases of keratoconus earlier in patients, reducing the need for corneal transplants. Tissue engineered corneal stroma constructed from electrocompacted collagen represent a promising alternative treatment for keratoconus. This interview took place at the 6th World Congress of the Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society (TERMIS 2021).

Increasing supply of corneas in the developing world Mon, 15 Nov 2021 15:14:37 +0000 Mark Daniell, MBBS, MS, FRANZCO, FRACS, Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital & Centre for Eye Research Australia, Melbourne, Australia, discusses the significance of developing tissue engineered corneas to reduce the burden of corneal diseases in developing countries. Donated corneas are especially in short supply in many Asian countries, due to cultural issues with tissue donation and manufacturing tissue engineered corneas will increase the supply of corneas. This interview took place at the 6th World Congress of the Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society (TERMIS 2021).
